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Un immense incendie ravage la jungle.
Affolés, les animaux fuient en tous sens.
Seul un colibri, sans relâche,
fait l’aller-retour de la rivière au brasier, une minuscule goutte d’eau dans son bec, pour l’y déposer sur le feu.
Un toucan à l’énorme bec l’interpelle :
“Tu es fou, colibri, tu vois bien que cela ne sert à rien”
“Oui, je sais” réponds le colibri, “mais je fais ma part”…
Pierre Rabhi (La part du colibri)

En étant végétarien, je fais ma part,
En boycottant les produits testés sur les animaux, je fais ma part,
En refusant la fourrure, la corrida, le cirque, la chasse...
En luttant contre la désinformation des lobbies, je fais ma part...

6 milliards de gouttes d'eau, ça ferait combien d'océans?
La seule chose qui ne sert à rien est de ne rien faire
La chose qui sert le plus l'exploitation et la torture est de laisser faire...

A partir du moment où l'on sait, il n'y a plus qu'un choix qui s'offre à nous. Agir ou accepter d'être complice! Alors, colibri ou toucan?
Le deal à ne pas rater :
LEGO® Icons 10329 Les Plantes Miniatures, Collection Botanique
39.59 € 49.99 €
Voir le deal

The Hans Ruesch Center

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The Hans Ruesch Center Empty The Hans Ruesch Center

Message  Admin Mer 22 Avr 2009 - 9:25


The aims of the Hans Ruesch Centre are:

• To keep alive the memory of anti-vivisectionist pioneer Hans Ruesch.

• To advertise, promote and distribute the works of Hans Ruesch and other relevant anti-vivisection materials.

• To promote and encourage scientific anti-vivisectionism, and demand the immediate and total end of vivisection on medical and scientific grounds.

Work in progress: the translation of several works by Hans Ruesch previously unavailable in English; making available on DVD the CIVIS film. Please support our efforts financially if possible. See here for suggestions as to how YOU can help end vivisection.

The Hans Ruesch Centre is based upon the principles of Hans Ruesch’s CIVIS organisation:

1. All animal experimentation must be rejected both on ethical and medical grounds.

2. Animal experiments destroy respect for life and harden the experimenter against the suffering of human patients.

3. Experiments on animals are not a proper way to diagnose, research or heal human ailments. The organic, anatomical, biological, metabolic, genetic, and psychic differences between man and animals are so substantial that knowledge obtained from animals is not only worthless but misleading.

4. Animal experiments are carried out only to the advantage of the experimenters themselves, of their commercial backers, and of the laboratory animal breeding industry. They perform an alibi function. There has never been a scientific statistical proof that their results are applicable to human beings.

5. Most of today's diseases are not organic in origin, but have psychological, social, dietary, environmental and malpractice causes. Official medical science therefore has no causal treatment to offer. It can't even cure a common cold, rheumatism, arthritis, cancer, nor any other of the millenarian ills, which much rather it has multiplied, adding always new diseases (SMON, Herpes, AIDS). By trying only to get rid of the symptoms, it prevents recognition and elimination of the causes.

6. With its highest consumption of laboratory animals in the world America should be the healthiest nation, but it is one of the sickest and ranks only 17th in life expectancy, behind several underdeveloped countries where such experimentation is unknown.

7. Health care requires first of all prevention, furthermore the application of one or several disciplines that have been ignored by official medicine because of its obsession with animal experimentation; eg dietics, psychosomatics, psychotherapy, clinical observation, environmentalism, epidemiology, vegetarianism, rehabilitation, homeopathy, osteopathy, chiropractic, naturopathy, naprapathy, macrobiotics, diathermy, oligotherapy, electrotherapy, hydrotherapy, heliotherapy, aromatherapy, faith healing, herbalism, acupuncture, fasting, and more, which have proven effective and economical to boot.

8. Medicine must concern itself with the entire person, adopt methods that relate to the causes and the patients, instead of a veterinary medicine applied to humans, which at best replaces acute symptoms with chronic illness, but often creates new ills.

9. The veterinary schools must follow the same humane principles; no artificial, violent interventions on healthy animals to inflict maladies and mutilations and to desensitise the students, but careful study and sympathetic treatment of spontaneous diseases and natural accidents.

10. For all these reasons, to demand the total abolition (prohibition by law) of all animal experimentation is not only possible but necessary.

Aller sur le site du Hans Ruesch Center

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